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CALL US ON 0868973633  or 0863200092

Friday, February 25, 2011

Advertise your business
Business Cards-Flayers-Magazines
give us a call, we will distribute them House to house- Towns or Estates
E-mail :
Mobile 0868973633
Website :

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Are you looking for customers to come to your shops?
do you have sells in your shops but people dont know about it? 
Do you want to advertise your business but you don't know where to start? now it's simple and very easy, just give us a call to collect your bussines cards or flayers or advertise magazines and we are going to do the following things, its amazing!!! and you will be suprise to get many customers,so what are you waiting for give us a call.
  1. We will share them to the  towns or countys where you will like us to do so.
  2. we are distributers of businesS cards or flayers or any advertise magazines from every where in ireland  and UK, its our job to make sure we are working as hard as we can to advertise your business, we will share them house to house,doors to doors pubs,shops, and every where.
  3. that's our duty to do so
  4. Promise you wont regreat
  5. we will advertise your business every where.
  6. lets us  tell people what sells you have and where your shops located
  7. it's simple for more information give us a call today.
  8. What are you waiting for?? please ring us now!
  9. please call us on:0868973633 or 0858174078 or 0861724993.

Monday, September 13, 2010


All of the houses have to know about your business. so talk to us, we can spread your massage.

We will make sure we are going to suply them all around.


If you want people to know your business and where  its located  advertise with us, contact  us by email or give us call.